Frame Tents

Top quality commercial grade frame tents with white vinyl tops. These tents have an open interior area, without . center poles. Prices include set-up and take-down, please contact us for a quote. Tents are available from 15′ x 15′ all the way to 30′ x 50′, please call us or see our Sizing Chart for help selecting the right tent for your event!

E-Z Up lightweight tents – can be put up by customer. Sizes available: 10′ x 10′ & 12′ x 14′
Tent Accessories
Side Curtains

These come in solid white or clear vinyl and are great for cold weather.
5-globe Chandeliers
Perimeter Mini Lights
Fancy Chandelier & Premium Party Lights
These are fans that are attached to the corners of the tent. They do a great job of circulating the air on those hot summer days or evenings.